If We Hold On Together Lyrics

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – “If We Hold On Together” adalah lagu yang dilantunkan oleh penyanyi kenamaan Diana Ross.

Dirilis pada 1988, lagu ini merupakan lagu tema dari film animasi The Land Before Time.

Pada 1991, lagu ini disertakan dalam album kesembilan belas Diana Ross yang bertajuk The Force Behind the Power.

Baca juga: Lirik dan Chord Lagu Im Coming Out dari Diana Ross

Berikut ini lirik dan chord lagu “If We Hold On Together” dari Diana Ross.

[Verse]CDon’t lose your way, with each passing dayC C/E F GYou’ve come so far, don’t throw it awayAm C Am EmLive believing, dreams are for weaving,F C Gwonders are waiting to startAm C Am EmLive your story, faith, hope and gloryF C GHold to the truth in your heart

[Chorus]C Em F GIf we hold on togetherC Em F GI know our dreams will never dieC Em Fdreams see us through to foreverAm F CWhere clouds roll byAm F CFor you, and I

[Verse]CSouls in the wind must learn how to bendC C/E F GSeek out a star, hold on to the endAm C Am EmValley, mountain, there is a fountainF C GWashes our tears all awayAm C Am EmWorlds are swaying, someone is prayingF C Gplease let us come home to stay

[Chorus]C Em F GIf we hold on togetherC Em F GI know our dreams will never dieC Em FDreams see us through to foreverAm F CWhere clouds roll byAm F CFor you, and I

[Bridge]F (G) Em CWhen we are out there in the darkDm G CWe’ll dream about the sunEb Dm BbIn the dark we’ll feel the lightAb D GWarm our hearts, everyone

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[Chorus]C Em F GIf we hold on togetherC Em F GI know our dreams will never dieC Em FDreams see us through to foreverAm F AmAs high as souls can fly F AmWhere clouds roll byG CFor you and I

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